Katie is knitting monogamously?!?!,Sarah finishes 3 sweaters, and we both have honey in our tea.
Show notes can be found on the Imagined Landscapes website: imaginedlandcapes.com/podcast. Come chat with Sarah in the Ravelry group (ravelry.com/groups/imagined-landscapes) or with each of us on our Instagram pages: Sarah (Imagined_Landscapes) & Katie (Rora114)
Katie has aaaaalmost completed something, Sarah finally gets to more out than in, and we’re both full of pie
Show notes can be found on the Imagined Landscapes website: imaginedlandcapes.com/podcast. Come chat with Sarah in the Ravelry group (ravelry.com/groups/imagined-landscapes) or with each of us on our Instagram pages: Sarah (Imagined_Landscapes) & Katie (Rora114)